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Therese Butcher Gentle Tides Heuristic Doula.jpg


I’m so happy you are considering me as your Doula.

I am a professional Heuristic Doula in Perth, Western Australia, providing services to clients in the form of tiered packages, as well as add-on, or standalone equipment hire and services. A range of options are available and pricing varies depending on which forms of support best suit your needs. 


Please know that no matter which services you choose, I am here for you as my valued client. Just as you are investing in your positive birth experience, I am invested in you having the experience that you deserve. I believe that no client is the same: I adapt, attune, and do my absolute best to give my clients whatever they need.


I look forward to providing to you the support you need in your positive, informed, and unforgettable birth experience.

Therese Butcher

Heuristic Doula

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Why Choose Gentle Tides Heuristic Doula?

Families in Perth are lucky to have access to world-class facilities and professionals when giving birth, and yet so many parents still find themselves resorting to Google to research the options that suit them best. This is something I discovered when giving birth to my first child, finding myself faced with an overwhelming number of options and choices from various sources. Since my first birth, I have completed thousands of hours of research as well as professional training and development, including in birth, acupressure, breastfeeding, and massage. Now in my role as a Heuristic Doula, I have the privilege to walk alongside families, helping to navigate their options, and allowing them to feel fully supported and empowered to have the best birth experience they possibly can. 


I am a proud ally of people with diverse cultural backgrounds and gender identities, and believe all people deserve the right to be fully supported in their birth journey. I provide services with no judgement and no ego. I want to know all about you and what you see when you picture your birth. I am fiercely proud of my role, advocating for your needs throughout the birth process: When you imagine your remaining months of pregnancy, what do you see yourself doing? Are you calmly and contently moving through the normal patterns, or do you see yourself moving through the system in an empowered way? When you picture your birth, what does it look like? Where are you, and by whom are you surrounded? I promise to take the time to sit with you and attune to what you want, in order to best support you in achieving the birth you need. I want all of my clients to know that they can take any pathway – they can do, or not do, any tests they like. They can birth wherever they feel most comfortable, and they can prioritise whatever values make their hearts truly sing.


I am beyond grateful to have found my life’s passion. I am proud to be a free thinker, and believe the future of birth-giving should be based on a midwifery-led, rather than an obstetrics-led system. I believe my legacy will be the change that I and my families create, benefiting all parents, and importantly, the generations that come after us.

Contact Me

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities and collaborations. Visit my Contact Page, let's connect.

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